Why can’t a person tickle himself? We ‘ve all wondered about this. Someone can tickle us, but we can’t tickle ourselves? What exactly do you think is the cause of this situation? Why can someone tickle us but we can’t tickle ourselves? Here are the details of our article…
Why Can’t a Person Tickle Himself?
Why Can’t a Person Tickle Himself? Tickling or being tickled is something that many people enjoy. While we laugh when someone else tickles us, we feel almost nothing when we tickle ourselves. What exactly do you think is the reason for this?
Tickling or being tickled is actually an involuntary reflex we do. To put it simply, we need someone else’s contact for this reflex to occur, and most importantly, we get tickled and start laughing at a contact made without our knowledge. This is exactly what we need to be tickled.
But when we tickle ourselves, because there is no contact with another person and we do it consciously, the same feelings do not occur and we cannot be tickled. In other words, in order for us to be tickled, the contact of another person is absolutely necessary. We can’t be tickled by touching ourselves and a movement where we have our most important news.
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